New Ways Nutrition

The WEE Method of Feeding

Helping parents an caregivers change how they think about feeding!

Feeding babies is about so much more than just the food. The WEE method makes it easy to remember the other parts of feeding that are important to prioritize as you help your baby become a successful eater.

What is the WEE Method of Feeding?

Over the years of talking to parents as a registered dietitian and helping them with feeding their babies, a pattern started to emerge. So often when parents hear about feeding their babies, they hear about what foods to give. How to make foods safe, what texture to choose. All important things. But not the whole picture when it comes to raising a successful eater!

As a parent, it can seem hard to focus on anything but keeping your baby safe and figuring out the food part of feeding. It feels like it should be your priority, as that's almost all anyone talks about. But by changing how we think about feeding and what we prioritize right from the beginning of eating, we can make a huge difference in how our kids are around food both now and in the future.

 And that's where the WEE method comes in. Focusing early on in the feeding journey on a few important concepts can make a HUGE difference in your experience around meals and food with your child. And the WEE method will help you figure out exactly what to put the focus on.

By using the WEE method of feeding, you'll give your baby a great start to becoming a joyful, successful eater. And you'll go a long way towards laying a foundation for a successful relationship with food so your child can break the cycle of dieting and poor habits around food in our society. 

The WEE method will help you think about feeding your child. To take it a step further and make implementing the WEE method of feeding even easier, consider addressing your own feelings about food and your relationship with food. So often, thinking about WHAT to feed first and foremost and having lots of food rules stems directly from us as parents and how we view food ourselves. It's an important part of the equation when it comes to feeding your child. When you're ready to address it all, I'm here to help!

So what does WEE stand for? It's an important acronym to help you remember exactly what to prioritize at eating times:


Communication is at the root of everything! Prioritizing how you talk about food and mealtimes helps your child to learn to think about food in different ways and lays the foundation for success.


Feeding babies isn't about how much they eat! Prioritize the experience around mealtimes-how they sit, where they eat, who eats with them, and so many other things. How they experience mealtimes is a lot more important in the long term than what they eat!


It can be hard to have realistic expectations around eating. And that can lead to worry and changing how you approach mealtimes. Focusing on having realistic expectations can make mealtimes so much less stressful!

Prioritize these 3 concepts, and you'll have a drastically different experience feeding your child than if you were to just focus on the specific foods to feed. Keep reading below to learn more about each of these areas and how you can start to focus on them in your own home.

Focus on


From how to describe food, what to say yourself at mealtimes, how to talk about food and so much more. 

Here are some articles to start with to get you on your way with prioritizing your words at mealtimes!

prioritize the 


Counter to what you might be used to hearing about feeding babies, the experience is a huge part of feeding. Eating with people, feeling comfortable at the table, learning about how to be social and participate are all really important parts of feeding.

Start with these articles, and then keep going to learn all about how to prioritize your child's experience with eating!

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We'd love to give you all the help that we can when it comes to feeding your child! By sharing with us your child's age, we can tailor the information we send so that it is the most helpful for you. We won't share your child's age with any one else, and it's optional. See our full privacy policy.

Have Realistic


Whether it's an expectation around how much your child will eat, what you will feed them, how meals will go, or anything else- they are almost always unrealistic! 

Use the articles below to start getting a feel for what you can actually expect around meals and feeding. And then even so, you still might want to cut those expectations in half!

Get More Support!

The WEE method is here as an easy way for you to remember what to prioritize during feeding and mealtimes. But sometimes, you could use a little more support! I'm here for you, with many ways to provide more support for you and your family!

Sometimes, all you need is a little confidence that what you are doing works. Other times, you need an expert partner to help you get to the bottom of something or figure out how to make it work in your own family.

Whatever it is, I'm here to support you to make feeding less stressful and help you raise a joyful and successful eater.

Get Age-Specific Help for Your Child!

Join our email list to receive weekly feeding tips and help, tailored specifically to your child's age. Get the help you never knew you needed, just when you need it!

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We'd love to give you all the help that we can when it comes to feeding your child! By sharing with us your child's age, we can tailor the information we send so that it is the most helpful for you. We won't share your child's age with any one else, and it's optional. See our full privacy policy.

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