In this episode, a parent writes in concerned about her child's weight. She shares that when taking her son to his doctor for his 12 month check up, his doctor expressed concern about his weight gain. The doctor had multiple suggestions, including that this parent reduce the amount of food she is giving her son. There were also several limitations suggested on the types of food she is serving him. This parent was concerned about putting her son on a "diet", but did not want to ignore the doctors concerns. She is unsure about how much food is appropriate to serve to her son, and whether the modifications that she has made to mealtimes at her house could introduce bad habits in the long run.
What You'll Learn About in This Episode:
- What to do if your child jumps growth curves and why restriction may not be the best option going forward.
- Why addressing this through the perspective of the feeding environment is more effective than restriction.
- How to balance the amount of fruits or veggies served.
- How much food you should be serving to your child during mealtimes.
- Some tips on how your child can communicate with you that he or she is satisfied.
- When you should be concerned about weight gain with your child.
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Links on This Episode:
- Division of Responsibility blog post
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