Just EAT! Ep. 9: Help for Babies With Low Iron Levels

Last updated March 10, 2022
By Renae D'Andrea

In this episode, a parent shares that at a recent pediatrician visit with her 9 month old son, the doctor mentioned that his iron was low. The pediatrician went on to recommend that this mother reduce the amount of breastmilk and increase the amount of food she offers her son to compensate for the low iron levels. She is concerned with this advice as she thought that breastmilk should be the main source of calories for her 9 month old. She is confused about whether or not to change her feeding routines with her son, and is looking for advice.

What You'll Learn About in This Episode:

  • What to expect from your pediatrician in terms of nutrition advice and why registered dietitians are the go-to experts for nutrition advice.
  • When questioning advice from your pediatrician is appropriate. 
  • Why it is important to ask your pediatrician specifics about how low your baby's iron is if it is mentioned. 
  • Some reasons why your baby may be low on iron and what to do about it.
  • Ideas on how you can increase your baby’s iron consumption.
  • Whether you should wean your baby from breastmilk before 1 year, at a year, or after, and how you can go about it.

Listen to This Episode:

Links on This Episode:

  • If you have a baby that is 10 months old or less and you haven’t already looked into it, I’d recommend checking out the Starting Solids Course. It walks you through everything you need to know about starting solids, from what to feed to just how to feed that food. It can help you to avoid some of the common pitfalls that often crop up as your baby gets closer to a year and into toddlerhood!
  • Iron-rich foods list
  • The Best Milk for Toddlers

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