Just EAT! Ep. 2: My Toddler Won’t Sit Still at Meals!

Last updated March 10, 2022
By Renae D'Andrea

In this episode, a parent writes in describing her struggles with her toddler not being able to sit still during mealtimes. Her son will not sit in a high chair anymore, and will only sit in a dining chair for a few minutes before heading off to toddle around the house. This parent has started to follow her busy child around trying to redirect him back to his chair. At times she has even had to resort to feeding him by hand while he's playing around the house.

For this parent, mealtimes have become a struggle full of screaming battles. She is unsure how to tackle this situation, and is looking for some guidance to get back to more productive mealtimes. 

What You'll Learn About in This Episode:

  • How having your child at the table with everyone else can benefit the whole family.
  • The importance of a comfortable high chair.
  • What a properly fitting high chair looks like and what to look for when purchasing one.
  • How you can modify your high chair to better fit your child for mealtimes.
  • Why your child may leave the table and how you can mitigate this behavior.
  • What to do if your child gets down from the table before he or she is satisfied.
  • How you can develop an effective mealtime schedule for you and your child, as well as some realistic expectations you can set. 

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